Saturday, October 30, 2010

No Budget Horror: Werecoon

If Australia can have a were-marsupial in Howling III (Aust-1987; dir. Philippe Mora), why can't North America have were-raccoons?

Werecoon (release date to be advised)  is a small severely under-budgeted horror film made by Christina Thiele and her brother Ben Rio Thiele. Going on production shots available on the film's website, it was shot largely in a lounge-room, with occasional excursions into the great outdoors (the backyard). At any rate, it appears to have been made out of a great sense of fun and will no doubt be a hoot.


Original Trailer:

Daniel has been dumped by his girlfriend, scratched by an unknown creature and he is starting to -- change.
Werecoon stars David Wilson as Daniel/the Werecoon, here seen with co-star Ben Rio Thiele, who plays Keith:

Director Christina Thiele said of Wilson:
David Wilson was born to play this role. His research and dedication to the role is definitely seen in the film, and will be enjoyed by all. I hope you all enjoy his audition [in the video below].

Cassie Owsley plays Maggie (the girlfriend):
JoAnn Garrett plays the "young werecoon", here pictured with her co-stars and the director:

For more information on the stars, check out the Werecoon website.

Director and co-writer Christina Thiele commented that she "took this project on in my hometown with very few resources and only a few people to help out." In translating her lifetime love of monster movies, "with their absurdity, inventiveness and creativity" to film, she set out to give Werecoon a "B" movie feel and look.

Currently Werecoon is in its final stages of editing, during which time it will be given an original score.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be on the lookout for the final release. That little girl does some great acting -- really scary!
