Saturday, February 26, 2011

Exclusive: Retro-SF Horror in Invasion of the Reptoids

We all know there's humanoids reptiles everywhere, right? Some live underground (see this Brainspasm article on the Underground Lizard People). Others come from outer space. Of the latter, there's those with a big budget (such as the V TV series remake), and there's those that do it on a shoestring.

Invasion of the Reptoids (US-2011; dir. Ted Moehring) features humanoid reptiles from outer space that are doing it tough. The film is, according to its director, "chiefly a homage to the classic Sci Fi/Monster movies from the 1950s and filled with references to many of them and is inspired by some of the Reptoid conspiracy theories". These aliens don't have the giant CGI spaceships and advanced technology of the Vs, but they have rayguns and are much uglier!

You know about the Reptoid conspiracy theories,yes? Well, briefly, it seems that invading reptoids have been infiltrating significant positions in governments worldwide for decades and may even live right next door to you. So next time you notice your neighbour cooking bugs on the barbie of an evening be very suspicious.


Aliens invade and terrorize a small town. Why do some of the townspeople seem to know more then they should about the aliens? And what secrets are the military hiding?


Conrad Brooks looking for Plan 10


  • Conrad Brooks (Plan 9 From Outer Space)
  • George Stover (The Galaxy Invader)
  • John Link (Spiderbabe)
  • Kurt Strouse
  • Leeann Fassbender
  • Edward X Young
  • Cedric Crouch
  • Dave Getzoff
  • Lisa Lovecraft
  • Joseph Michael
  • Special FX/Makeup by Marnie Beitz and MLA Creations
  • Additional FX and Makeup by Edward X Young
  • Associate Producers: Cedric Crouch, Dave Getzoff
  • Music: Cedric Crouch
  • Written, Directed, Produced, Photographed and Edited by Ted Moehring
Source: Ted Moehring via Avery Guerra. Written by Robert Hood

In Production: RV + Giant Bird = Roadkill

There have been a few films with the title "Roadkill" over the years, but I'll bet that none of them features a monstrous predatory bird called a Simuroc.... before now, that is.

Currently in production from RHI Entertainment, Roadkill, directed by Johannes Roberts, features the inevitable bunch of young people on a road trip in a RV. When they accidentally run down an old Gypsy woman, the resulting curse laid upon them manifests as a giant bird that proceeds to pick them off, one by one. Set in Ireland, there should be some nice scenery along the way.

Official Synopsis:
Kate and her brother Joel have gathered their five best friends for a scenic RV road trip to their high-school reunion. But their cross-country adventure is about to take an unexpected turn for the worst when an ancient curse takes wing by way of a massive creature. It’s called the Simuroc, and this gigantic bird of prey has found the perfect, helpless quarry in Kate and company. Stranded in the backwoods of the predator’s territory, there’s little chance for escape. (RHI website)


Exclusive: Casting for The Return of the Killer Shrews

Undead Backbrain's report on the production of a sequel to Ray Kellogg's 1959 B-horror cult classic, The Killer Shrews, was greeted rather warmly, so we're happy to report that we have some exclusive news on the casting of Return of the Killer Screws, co-written by Pat Moran and original cast member James Best, and directed by Steve Latshaw. To save time, we offer you the unexpurgated press release, which is mainly concerned to announce the casting of "a new generation of Hollywood royalty", namely Errol Flynn's grandson, Sean Flynn:

Press Release:

Coal Train Productions and Generic Filmgroup announced today that former Teen Idol SEAN FLYNN, fresh from his long-running role as Chase on Nickelodeon's Zoey 101, will be co-starring in his first adult role in Return of the Killer Shrews. Flynn's role as Derek will utilize his comedic skills first honed on the popular Teen TV series and provide added thrills to his large TV fan base. Return of the Killer Shrews, set on a mysterious island in the gulf of Mexico, places Flynn in a modern-day horror setting, but with a touch of blood-drenched comic mayhem ala Shaun of the Dead and the slightest flavor of retro Tiki exotica ala the great Drive-in horror flicks of the 1950s and 1960s. And Flynn even gets a chance to use his considerable charm, like his famous Grandfather, Errol Flynn.

Co-Producer Dorothy Collier-Best is very happy with this new bit of casting. "I am so pleased to have Sean Flynn on board. His family history and youthful exuberance is a perfect match for this retro project."

In his stellar career, co-star James Best literally walked in Errol Flynn's shoes. "Sean's Grandfather was a hero of mine. I was honored to have worn many of his clothes in movies; every time I turned around there was the name 'Flynn' emblazoned on the collar. Now I am honored to be working with his grandson."

Other cast members joining Sean Flynn include John Schneider, fresh from "Desperate Housewives," "Hot In Cleveland" and "Smallville," Jennifer Lyons ("Valley Peaks," "Desperate Housewives," "Transylmania") and country legend Mel Tillis ("Beer For My Horses," "Cannonball Run" movies).

Director Steve Latshaw, who recently collaborated as screenwriter with Dolph Lundgren on the hit action thriller, Command Performance, is equally excited about working with the young Flynn. "I'm certainly thrilled about working with a new generation of actor from this extraordinary family. But I'm even more excited about taking full advantage of Sean's strong sense of comic timing and considerable on-screen charisma, honed from years of film and television work."

Return of the Killer Shrews goes before the cameras in May, with release scheduled for next year.

  • Source: Dorothy and James Best via Avery Guerra

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Exclusive: Chompers 3D

A new terror strikes the Pacific NW. Is it deforestation? Is it a tsunami? Is it a rash of politeness that borders on insanity? No ... It's CHOMPERS 3D!

Space Bugs director Jesse Blanchard is set to launch himself and his crew into the world of 3D feature films with Chompers 3D. And he wants to share the filmmaking process with anyone who's interested.

He told Undead Backbrain:

Chompers 3D is a live-action, feature-length monster movie I hope to shoot this summer and release in the fall. The script is written and I've built the 3D rig (and have been shooting in 3D). But everything else is still in production.
It's an ass-kicking, fun-to-watch monster movie. But there is also a heavy dose of suspense because our monster changes shape. He starts out very small, hiding as a ring or a thimble, always something round, waiting for a victim to place her hand inside his mouth. But each time he feeds, he gets a little bigger and a little better at camouflage.

I want to post as much of the process as possible as I go along and do that posting in 3D. So, I'm giving out free anaglyph (red/blue) 3D glasses to anyone that would like to check in on the movie and see the assets in 3D. The actual movie will be in full color 3D. The red/blue glasses are just a way for people to see the 3D effect on their computers without having to buy expensive TVs.

That is the very basic overview of the movie's status and plan going forward. We've got a small site up at and have a blog going at

As Chompers 3D's main antagonist takes on various disguises, such as jars, shoes, garbage bins, mailboxes, etc., even everyday objects become something to fear. Check out the following samples of concept art by Beau Berkley -- innocuous except for those eyes....

As Blanchard commented:
It’s gonna be a hell of a ride for any horror fan tired of seeing the same monsters up on the screen. It’s time for fresh blood and Chompers will bring it to you.

So get your 3D glasses (they're free) and go check out the Chompers 3D website. You'll be able to view pictures like the following as they were meant to be seen:

Exclusive Update: Super Shark vs the Land-Walker

The poster and a new trailer for Fred Olen Ray's Super Shark (US-2011) have been released. Seems our titular antagonist monster now has a land-walker style mecha-tank to fight with. Excellent!

It likes eating girls in bikinis (and is obviously drawn to this bit of the coast by the bikini contest), is prehistoric and is a fan of Jaws. Moreover bullets bounce off it, it can walk around on land and it flies. "It's Super Shark!"


Further information is available on Undead Backbrain.
  • Source:  Fred Olen Ray via Avery Guerra. Written by Robert Hood

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Free Blarghaaahrgarg DVD Giveaway!

Okay, repeat after me: "Blarghaaahrgarg!" Say it again without trying to drink from that beer can this time: "Blarghaaahrgarg"!"

Now you can win a copy! Free!

Blarghaaahrgarg is a new independent horror-comedy film written and directed by Nuria Leon Bernardo and produced by Clones Productions in Lisbon -- creators of Papá Wrestling. The film premiered at Motelx last October and has been an official selection at assorted festivals throughout Portugal, the UK and the US, including the Leeds International Film Festival and Tohorror Film Fest. 

Blarghaaahrgarg is about "an exterminator, a man in a dressing gown, a cat and a monster." Actually there's other stuff, too, including buckets of blood. It's very nicely made and funny, and features a completely old-school monster -- you know, an animatronic puppet made of paper-maché or something. Classic stuff.

Blarghaaahrgarg (Portugal-2010; short [15:18 min.]; dir. Nuria Leon Bernardo)

Zeca is a loser. He lives with his grandmother and works as an exterminator. One day, while working, Zeca has an accident which will spawn the meanest, ugliest, most horrible monster ever.

Director and writer - Nuria Leon Bernardo
Special effects and animatronics - Fernando Alle
Producers - Luís Henriques & Pedro Florêncio
Cinematography - Tiago Augusto
Thanks to SFX guy Fernando Alle and the wonderful people at Clones, we're giving away 5 copies of the DVD. Just send your name and address (including country, folks) to Undead Brainspasm at "Blarghaaahrgarg Giveaway" in the header. Every entry we receive over the next two weeks (provided the film's name is spelt correctly) will go into the draw and five winners picked at random by my cat Pazuzu -- who's intrigued by this rat, but a bit disturbed by certain feline-related aspects of the film itself.

Okay, you don't have to spell the name correctly.

If you need added enticement, here's the trailer:

... and the theme music, which is heard over the credits:

Thanks to Fernando and the Clones.

Sources: Official website (check it out for info on how to order the DVD and to learn more about the Clones); via Avery Guerra. Written by Robert Hood

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Back to Rat Scratchings

Remember advance notices for Jeff Leroy's giant alien rat extravaganza, Rat Scratch Fever? No? Well, go check out this Undead Backbrain article right now!

Meanwhile the rest of you can view the latest trailer, while contemplating the great news that Rat Scratch Fever will be playing at Hollywood's Silent Movie Theater on February the 26th at 10:30 pm. If you live in the area, or are keen enough to travel there, go to Cinefamily for more information.

Hey, daikaiju-sized rats trashing LA! The SFX may be old-school and low-budget stylised, but it looks like fun.

Source: Jeff Leroy via Avery Guerra. Written by Robert Hood.

New: Infectus

Only a zombie film if you're willing to loosen the definition of "zombies" from "dead people walking" to include those who have been infected and driven mad and homicidal by it, Infectus under whatever guise looks and sounds both ominous and creepy.
And I should perhaps mention that an unknown sea-creature -- a cryptid -- gets the whole show on the road.

Infectus (US-2011; dir. Shane Cole)

Paul and Jennifer come to Rockport, Maine to shoot a movie about a cryptid convention where enthusiasts trade stories of their encounters. Their project turns nightmarish when a real cryptid infects a local and sends him spiraling into a rabies-like rampage.

The film is currently in pre-production. It will be shot along the central Maine coast near Camden, Rockland, and the lobster-fishing community of Port Clyde, an area made famous in paintings by N.C., Andrew, and Jamie Wyeth.

Director Shane Cole, who has a reputation for "economical filmmaking", commented that for Infectus his Masked Films production company will team up with various partners so that he can spend more on visual and makeup effects and on a larger cast, as well as being able to shoot on location outside LA.

Previous Cole collaborators will be back, including cinematographer AJ Rickert-Eptstein (Across the Line: Exodus of Charlie Wright, The Lost Skeleton Returns, Everyday Joe) , composer Anton Riehl (Crank 2 High Voltage, Hell Ride and Everyday Joe), and make-up artist Emma Julia Jacobs, who has recently been on the make-up teams for Black Swan, The Collector and Jennifer's Body.

Cole, whose previous films include M, Visions of Horror, and Everyday Joe, is seen below on location during the teaser shoot:

Maine Dock at night:
More pictures here.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

More Piranha Horror?

Haven't had enough of piranhas, even after Mega Piranha and the Piranha remake? Well, check this out:

Made by German indie filmmakers for Guardian Pictures, this faux trailer may offer a great opportunity. If you think it has promise, go to the YouTube link and leave a comment urging them to make the full thing!

Need convincing? Check out this CG test footage:

Or check out the group's popular Beerbank Show, and this teaser for their latest project, Barren Land.

Do it!

Source: via Avery Guerra.

Update: Return of the Killer Shrews

Following on from the Undead Backbrain article about Steve Latshaw's re-boot/sequel to a dodgy movie from 1959 whose title you can guess, we give you a shorter synopsis and links to the newly launched website. It stars the original film's lead, James Best.

A TV Reality Show hires CAPTAIN THORNE SHERMAN (James Best) and his boat to cargo supplies to the deserted offshore island they're using as a filming location. Thorne would have normally refused the job because he's been to that island before and stills sees it in his nightmares. Unfortunately, he needs the money and he's not getting much business these days. Together with his first mate ROOK (Rick Hurst), they sail -- to a place Thorne Sherman never wanted to see again as long as he lived: the island of the KILLER SHREWS.
As the TV crew and two-fisted animal expert JOHNNY RENO (John Schneider) shoot their reality show, some of the cast and crew go missing, attacked and eaten in a bloody feeding frenzy by strange creatures. But tough as nails Producer STELLA, sleazy Director WILLARD and manipulative Writer LENORA couldn't care less about the human cost. They are ruthlessly focused on getting their show in the can, regardless of the body count. Only cute young camera operator MICKEY (Jennifer Lyons) and her on-again off-again boyfriend SAM grow concerned about their vanished friends. And Captain Thorne grows uneasy. Only he knows that the island holds hidden danger. Only he knows why people are dying. Once again, the place is crawling with giant Killer Shrews, the result of a 50-year-old experiment gone terribly wrong. And time is running out to get off the island before they all turn into bloody Shrew bait.
Source: Steve Latshaw via Avery Guerra.