Sunday, February 20, 2011

Exclusive: Chompers 3D

A new terror strikes the Pacific NW. Is it deforestation? Is it a tsunami? Is it a rash of politeness that borders on insanity? No ... It's CHOMPERS 3D!

Space Bugs director Jesse Blanchard is set to launch himself and his crew into the world of 3D feature films with Chompers 3D. And he wants to share the filmmaking process with anyone who's interested.

He told Undead Backbrain:

Chompers 3D is a live-action, feature-length monster movie I hope to shoot this summer and release in the fall. The script is written and I've built the 3D rig (and have been shooting in 3D). But everything else is still in production.
It's an ass-kicking, fun-to-watch monster movie. But there is also a heavy dose of suspense because our monster changes shape. He starts out very small, hiding as a ring or a thimble, always something round, waiting for a victim to place her hand inside his mouth. But each time he feeds, he gets a little bigger and a little better at camouflage.

I want to post as much of the process as possible as I go along and do that posting in 3D. So, I'm giving out free anaglyph (red/blue) 3D glasses to anyone that would like to check in on the movie and see the assets in 3D. The actual movie will be in full color 3D. The red/blue glasses are just a way for people to see the 3D effect on their computers without having to buy expensive TVs.

That is the very basic overview of the movie's status and plan going forward. We've got a small site up at and have a blog going at

As Chompers 3D's main antagonist takes on various disguises, such as jars, shoes, garbage bins, mailboxes, etc., even everyday objects become something to fear. Check out the following samples of concept art by Beau Berkley -- innocuous except for those eyes....

As Blanchard commented:
It’s gonna be a hell of a ride for any horror fan tired of seeing the same monsters up on the screen. It’s time for fresh blood and Chompers will bring it to you.

So get your 3D glasses (they're free) and go check out the Chompers 3D website. You'll be able to view pictures like the following as they were meant to be seen:

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