Friday, March 4, 2011

Blarghaaahrgarg Winners Announced

Well, two weeks is up, Pazuzu has made his selection and I'm pleased to announce that the winners of the Blarghaaahrgarg DVD Giveaway are:

Alex DiVincenzo from Massachusetts, US
Susan Pearson from London, UK
Joshua Reynolds from Pennsylvania, US
Hayes A. Jones from Louisiana, US (not Los Angeles)
Luís Cláudio Lopes da Silva from Tondela in Portugal

Congratulations, people! I will be sending your addresses on to Fernando Alle and the folk at Clones Productions in Lisbon and a brand-new copy of the Blarghaaahrgarg DVD will be squirming its way to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for taking part in the give-away -- and many thanks to Fernando and Clones for their generosity.

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