Saturday, October 15, 2011

New Trailer for PRIMITIVE

The trailer for Benjamin Cooper's VFX-Monster-from-the-Id film Primitive, has just been released:

Primitive, which is headlined by cult Phantasm star Reggie Bannister, recently premiered on day two of the inaugural Black October Art & Film Invasion taking place at The Sci-Fi Center in Vegas.

In this horror tale, Martin Blaine, a Hollywood effects artist who makes monsters for a living, must confront his own inner demon made flesh before it destroys everyone he comes in contact with.

Horror legend Reggie Bannister plays Dr. William Stein, the hypnotist whose unorthodox therapy inadvertently conjures Martin’s Id, and effects wizard Tom Devlin (SyFy Channel's Face-Off) created the creature effects.

"To premiere a picture in the entertainment capital of the world for a like-minded crowd is a genuine privilege," said director Cooper. "I worked five years to make Primitive a scary, fun good time, and that's what you can look forward to once distribution rights are finalised."

Following this comes a limited theatrical run in San Luis Obispo, CA where it was shot. Cooper commented:
"Working on the fringe of the business I figured theatrical had become pie-in-the-sky. Those low-budget success stories you hear about like Paranormal Activity are exceptions to the rule.  Most of my stuff is direct-to-DVD and that's fine, except the whole industry is changing. The brick and mortar stores are vanishing, digital VOD is growing, but too slow to fill the void. Meanwhile I've made my biggest picture ever and for the first time I'm obligated to investors, not to mention the cash and sweat I put in. I'm not putting Primitive into theaters out of vanity.  I just can't afford to leave any stone unturned for revenue."
According to the press release, the home town red carpet premiere on 10/20 will be followed by four theatrical dates with an option by the theatre to hold it over if it's a big success.  After that, Cooper plans to take the picture on tour to various cities for single night engagements.
"A one-off show with a packed house can be more profitable than a week of mediocre turnouts. I'm trying to be smart about it. I have horror legend Reggie Bannister in the picture and he did a great job. Tom Devlin did the creature effects. You know I'm going to be exploiting their names for all they're worth. I'm targeting cities where I may have an edge. Fresno, for example, is where co-star Jeff Ryan lives and grew up. That's got to be good for some 'local boy makes good' free press. Same with Pittsburgh, leading man Matt O'Neill's old stomping grounds, though that's probably the farthest we'll go.  I don't want to blow my profits on travel costs."
Cooper is also keen to receive invitations to screen Primitive at festivals, both US and international, that want to support indie creature-feature/B-films.

Produced by Thunderhead Entertainment LLC, Primitive is currently shopping for distribution. It also stars: Matt O'Neill, Kristin Lorenz (Evil Eyes), Jeff Ryan (Death Factory) and Gregory Paul Smith (Dino Wolf). Read all about it in this earlier report on Undead Backbrain.

More Images:

Source: Benjamin Cooper via Avery Guerra. Written by Robert Hood. Official website.

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